
What is an IUT?

IUTs are infections of urinary tracts. These are caused by microorganisms having got to the urinary tract such as bacteria, viruses or mildew. Normally, the human body would manage to overcome such microorganisms. However, sometimes the microorganisms manage to get through body’s immunodefence and cause infection. Usually such infection starts from the urethra and may affect the bladder or the kidneys.

  • Urethritis is the name of an infection limited to the urethra.
  • Cystitis is the name of an infection limited to the bladder.
  • Pyelonephritis is the name of an infection limited to the kidneys.

Why should I test myself?

In most cases the infection starts from the urethra (urethritis). If this fails to be diagnosticated in time it may penetrate the bladder causing cystitis and may also infect the kidneys causing pyelonephritis. Timely diagnostication and treatment prescribed by your physician prevents the risk of complications and chronisation of the infection.

Should I test myself after an IUT treatment?

After the treatment, even if the symptoms have disappeared it may happen that you have not fully recovered. Testing after an IUT treatment detects any possible residual infection and allows you to avoid the risk of reinfection and possible chronisation or complications.

What are the symptoms of IUTs?

Although in some cases an IUT may develop without symptoms, most often these are as listed:

  1. Frequent uresiesthesia
  2. Painful urination or burning when urinating
  3. Frequent dropping of small quantities of urine
  4. Turbid colour of the urine
  5. Urine of pink colour or coke colour: a sign of presence of blood in the urine
  6. Urine with string smell
  7. Pains in the pelvis in women
  8. Pain in the rectum in men

When should I test myself?

The presence of some of the above symptoms suggests an IUT. Testing with Cherto Uroinfections for IUTs allows for a timely diagnostication and treatment of the condition by your physician thus preventing the risk of complications and chronisation of the infection.

What are the risks of IUT occurrence?

For some people the risk of developing IUTs is higher. Here are some of the risk factors:

  1. Women’s anatomy. IUTs are frequent among women. The main reason for that is their anatomy: women have a shorter urethra, which shortens the way the bacteria need to cover to get to the bladder.
  2. Suppressed immunity system. Immunity system depressing diseases such as diabetes, viral diseases, and general indisposition enhance chances of catching an IUT.
  3. Sexual activity. Sexually active women suffer IUTs more often.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Increased prostatic gland in men. Although men run a lesser risk to catch an IUT, once they have been infected the risk of reinfection among them is higher as bacteria have the ability to hide deep in the prostate.
  6. Catheterising the urinary tracts.
  7. Filthy baby’s napkin. Pollution of napkins may facilitate penetration of microorganisms in the urethra and thus to cause infection.