Instructions for Use

Cherto Uroinfections

Cherto Uroinfections is a home test for diagnostics of infections of urinary tracts (IUTs). The test identifies the presence of leukocytes and nitrites in the urine. Testing takes 2 minutes.

How to Use It

Open the foil packing just before useOpen the foil packing just before use.

Hold the Test Strip under the urine squirtHold the Test Strip under the urine squirt for 2 seconds so the urine might cover the test zones. First morning urine is recommendable.
Hold the Test Strip under the urine squirtYou may also collect the urine in a clean dry cup. Dip the Test Strip in the urine for not more than 2 seconds until the test zones are entirely covered. Remove the excess of urine off the glass edge.

Put the Strip with test zones upPut the Test Strip horizontally the test zones up on a napkin or toilet paper.

Compare the colors of the resultsSee the result by comparing the colours of the Test Strip with the colours on the colour card on the back side of the instruction. Hold the Test Strip horizontally to avoid mixing the colours between the test zones.

  • Read the upper square of the Test Strip (nitrites) 1 minute* after taking it off the urine.
  • Read the inferior square of the Test Strip (leukocytes) 2 minute after taking it off the urine.

*Please ignore any changes 30 seconds after the identification of results.

Note: In case of unclear results or change of colour appearing on the edges of the test zones only, please repeat the test using another Test Strip.